
October-ganza 31: Wrap-up and News


October 31, 2014 by Bret Kramer (aka WinstonP)

Hallowe’en produced an underground rumbling queerly synchronized with bursts of flame—’them witch Whateleys’ doin’s’—from the summit of Sentinel Hill.

Today marks not only Halloween, but the end of our post-a-day project October-ganza.  I hope you’ve found it an interesting read and perhaps found inspiration for your own projects in Lovecraft Country and beyond.  I’ve created a new page on the blog listing all of the entries for quick reference in the future.


Our logo, designed by Chris Huth

Today’s topic is the future of The Arkham Gazette as well as our imprint Sentinel Hill Press.  I’m happy to report that we’ve officially become a Chaosium licensee.  This allows us to move forward with crowd-funding our next issue of the Arkham Gazette.  Expect to see that project announced here (and elsewhere) in the near future.  Our goal will most likely be to release issue #3 as a PDF/Print On Demand magazine, allowing me to focus more on writing and editing and less on shipping.  I’m frankly still working our the logistics of this side of things because I’d like to make sure we can produce the best product for your money while not forcing me to pawn any of the homunculus’ curious devices of bronze, bone, and crystal.

Additionally I have removed the previous issues of the Arkham Gazette from the site temporarily as we work on revamping them, with new and improved layout, corrections, and, perhaps, a few new bits and bobs.  More details on how these will be improved will come shortly as well.

Sentinel Hill Press’ goal is to release materials for Call of Cthulhu (and perhaps more general Lovecraftian) with a particular focus on the Lovecraft Country setting for the Call of Cthulhu RPG.  Our flagship publication will be the Arkham Gazette.  Ideally we will release at least two issues per year, possibly augmented by special issues of a particular narrow focus – the first of these being Graveyards of Lovecraft Country, a guidebook to not only the particular burying grounds of Arkham and beyond, but a primer on cemeteries in New England.  Look for more information on that project in 2015.

As for issue #3, our Witches and Witchcraft issue, as it stands now all of the submissions are in and being edited.  A few pieces, all written by me, are still being composed but should be finished in the next two weeks.  Once all the material for the issue is complete, we will launch our first Kickstarter to fund the issue’s public release.  Hopefully the whole process can be concluded before the end of year, which is why I’m waiting to fund raise until the writing part is complete.  We do not want to add to the pile of long-in-the-tooth Kickstarter projects.

Thank you for your interest in Sentinel Hill Press and The Arkham Gazette.  I hope to produce products that meet or exceed your expectations and keep the spirit of Lovecraft Country alive.  I welcome comments and suggestions for what you’d like to see from SHP in the future.  Please posts a comment here, on our Google+ group on or Facebook.  Your feedback is most appreciated.

(Special thank Chris Huth for providing us with that lovely logo.  Rather fetching, no?)

8 thoughts on “October-ganza 31: Wrap-up and News

  1. This is tremendous news – it is more likely than ever that this body of work will make it into the hands of others. And, yes, that logo is one of the best ever. Really, this Chris H. fellow nailed it.

  2. sirlarkins says:

    Great news! Congrats.

  3. Graham says:

    Good news, does this mark the end of the PDF versions?

    • I always plan to have a PDF version available, but I’d like to re-release issues 1 and 2 with improved content and with a POD option in the near future. Issue 0 will be revamped but will be available as a free preview as well. So, the free issues have been removed, save #0, but they will be back at a nominal price in the future.

  4. Joshua D. Meadows says:

    That’s great news! I am glad to see the product line become an officially licensed product. That opens up the way for additional subjects and content.

  5. ben wenham says:

    Good to see this news out and about. Nice work.

  6. Canageek says:

    I guess this will teach me to keep everything on my hard drive. I take it the new versions will be for-pay or suich?

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